воскресенье, 11 марта 2012 г.

Hello, dear Friend!

Could you imagine:

... a self-reliant person is staying in front of audience, uttering persuasive arguments, confidently answering unexpected questions...
Is'n it an image of successful person, everyone wants to be?!

A positive piece of news is that such traits could be fostered. And the approved and reliable place for doing it is Toastmasters' Club!

Toastmasters' meeting roles performing is wonderful opportunity to step out of comfort zone and keep on pesonal growth.
At the same time, Toastmasters meeting atmosphere is really warm, friendly and supportive.

Tomorrow EBA TM Club will held the regular meeting.
With this letter I invite everybody to come and join us.
I'm also calling for Toastmaster, Speech & TTS Evaluators and Ah-Counter.
Use the chance to become better public speaker! Indeed, participating in the meeting is like a gym for sociability.

Look at the Agenda on the proper page, and to the previous message in the blog - 09.03.12, please.

"7 steps to better listener" are loaded there. To be a good listener is a significant merit, no doubt.

Kind regards,
Anna Naleskina
EBA TM Club VP Education
050 331 79 07

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