среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

Dear Toastmasters members and Friends!

EBA TM Club had an outstanding meeting yesterday.
Bob Cryar - a 35 years experienced and successful business practical manager, an owner of consulting business, delivered master class devoted to strategical thinking and planning.
In case you'd like to receive the slide - materials of the presentation , feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
Anna Naleskina
EBA TM Club VP Education

суббота, 5 ноября 2011 г.

Dear Toastmasters Members and Friends!
EBA Toastmasters public speaking club invites You to visit Bob Cryar's Master-class "The Importance of Having a Strategic Plan. How to Develop a competitive Advantage and a Superior Customer Value".

That is what you always wanted to know about strategic planning but probably have not yeat! You will have a wonderful opportunity to speak about strategic planning with the leading US coach! This event also gives an advantage to communicate with the native speaker!

We thank our partner - Edinburgh Business School! Master-class will take place on Tuesday, November 8, at 7 pm. The address: 9/10, Dovnar-Zapolskogo str., 2-nd floor (Lukyanivska Metro station).
About the Lecturer:
Bob Cryar is a graduate of the University of Alabama.He has 35 years of business experience in the corporate world as a Senior Vice-President of Sales and Processing.Five years ago Bob started his own consulting business. He has been active in teaching Strategic Management in Ukraine for the past 4
Best regards, wish to meet you on the Master-Class!
Anna Naleskina
EBA TM Club VP Education

050 331 79 07 Anna.Naleskina@gmail.com
Dear Toastmasters members and Friends!

EBA TM Club had an outstanding meeting yesterday.
Bob Cryar - a 35 years experienced and successful business practical manager, an owner of consulting business, delivered master class devoted to strategical thinking and planning.
In case you'd like to receive the slide - materials of the presentation , feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
Anna Naleskina
EBA TM Club VP Education